Breastfeeding is Bubs healthy diet

Breastfeeding  is bubs healthy diet, as it creates a diverse & healthy gut microbiome, reduces the likelihood of bub developing allergies, obesity, weight gain & Type 1 diabetes.

Breastfeeding is Bubs healthy diet

Breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful, natural ‘Appetence’ inducing experiences a mother and baby can have. The hormonal stimulant creating this bond and connection is phenomenal however breastfeeding is actually imperative for a healthy bub growing into a healthy adult.

One of the main reasons for this is the diversity and flourishing of bubs gut microbiome.


After the initiation of bacteria to bub’s gut through a normal vaginal birth, the microbiome continues to flourish & colonise through the bub’s environment & breastfeeding.

This study states, mamas’ breast milk affects the gut directly and indirectly.

DIRECT: There is healthy gut microbiome in the physical milk, which is transferred through breastfeeding. Eg. Lactobacillus

INDIRECT: There are components of breast milk, which hold the role of ‘Microbial Proliferation’, which essentially means the growth & replication of bacteria. Eg. Oligosaccharides.


There is a significant difference between the gut microbiome of a breastfed or formula-fed bub. This comes with ramifications for the formula-fed bub not receiving the direct or indirect effects of breast milk.

– Science suggests a poor, non-diverse gut microbiome increases the risk of developing allergies significantly.

– This study shows that in addition to allergic disease risk, breastfed babies are also less likely to have asthma, Type 1 diabetes, or be overweight/obese.

breastfeeding is bubs healthy diet

This article discusses the importance of our gut health with regards to our future mental health. Rather than the old school thought of the brain effecting the gut (Eg. anxiety causing vomiting), studies suggest that the road between the brain and the gut is like a multi lane highway. The state of the gut can directly alter the behaviour of the brain so much so that that it can cause severe mental health disorders such as OCD & anxiety. 

A new age approach lots phycologist are taking to treat new mental health cases is asking questions about the person digestion and actually prescribing probiotics and prebiotics.

“The gut is really your second brain, there are more neurons in the GI tract than anywhere else except the brain.”

Dr James Greenblatt.

Illustration by Benjamin Arthur for NPR


Want to give Bub the best microbiome possible after birth?

  • Breastfeed skin to skin as much as you can- if you are not breastfeeding for whatever reason- feed skin to skin anyways.
  • Avoid bathing for at least 24hrs after birth (I suggest waiting 3 days)
  • When you do finally bath use pure water for 4 weeks
  • Leading up to birth, sleep with your babies suits and swaddles- After birth, dress them in these as they have your bacteria rather than hospital wraps with hospital bacteria’s
  • Minimise bub being handled by other people not a part of the immediate family in the first few weeks- especially skin to skin contact.
  • Get YOUR gut health on point and that WILL help baby produce theirs

Having trouble with breastfeeding and you’re feeling extra motivated to keep going after reading this article?

Contact Lois Watts– Appetence Families favourite lactation consultant. 

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