FreMo Making a Difference

FreMo Making a Difference

How FreMo started…

The FreMo Medical and Birth Centre is a safe haven for the mothers of Kawangware, an impoverished community situated on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. FreMo was first set up in 2009 by two young brothers, Fred Sigero and Moffat Osoro (hence Fremo), in response to a lack of compassionate medical care for women, particularly pregnant women. Fred and Moffat, with little money and few resources, managed to create a home where mothers could be cared for during and post pregnancy. This completely transformed the lives of many women and their birthing experience in a community where disease, malnutrition, homelessness and violence are rampant.  

In 2011, FreMo was supported by a small group of Australian midwives and soon after The FreMo Birth Centre was born. It is still led by Moffat and Fred, yet now they have a team of midwives, clinical officers, lab technicians, nutritionists, cleaners and security guards. They offer medical services and support to everyone who arrives at the clinic. Those who can afford to and want to can pay a small fee for treatment; otherwise it is completely free. No one is turned away. 

Ongoing financial and professional support offered by their friends in Australia gives The FreMo Birth Clinic more opportunity to expand and flourish. Now the clinic has access to and can provide safe running water, shower and toilet facilities, reliable electricity, resuscitation equipment, clean and private birth rooms, antenatal support and education, and emergency ambulance services. Due to these small yet significant additions, FreMo now boasts birth outcomes that are comparable in safety to any Western birthplace as measured by maternal and neonatal mortality rates, while also maintaining remarkably low intervention and complication rates. 

FreMo's Mission:

“We envisage a world where each woman 

is nurtured, heard, and valued and has

the  information, resources, confidence,

and support she requires to achieve the best possible pregnancy, birth,

and mothering experience.

In such a world, her baby would be born

with a fair and equal chance at life and love”


What Appetence Families is doing

Appetence Families donates a percentage of all services purchased directly to The FreMo Birth Clinic. These contributions go towards essential medical equipment, staff training and antenatal education, as well as to those mothers who require advanced medical or neonatal care. We are committed to supporting FreMo in their mission to create a world where all women have equal opportunity to achieve the best possible pregnancy, birth and mothering experience.



0466 495 272
